Low Moor Local History Group::


Low Moor Local History Group meets on the 1st Friday of each month at Aldersgate Methodist Church, Common Road, Low Moor, Bradford. BD12 OTW.  £2.00 per session from September Meetings 2.30 to 4pm


Low Moor Local History Group was started in 1995 when we realised that many memories were in danger of being lost forever as people grew older and passed away.  Some of our first meetings were workshops where memories were recorded and photos scanned.  Over the years our membership has grown and another “generation” now attends.

We have an impressive lending library available at meetings and our members are always keen to try and identify faces on photographs which turn up from time to time. This has been particularly evident when we have published books and our members have managed to put names to several group photographs.  Follow these links for details of our publications

Books and DVDS   http://www.lmlhg.org.uk/publications.htm                              
Walks leaflets  http://www.lmlhg.org.uk/walks.htm



Our Programme for 2024-5



4th October They never told me

Ronnie Gelder & Brian Megson

1st November The Manchester Ship Canal: from Quays to Pier Anne Kirker
6th December Nice Work if you can get it Trish Atkinson
3rd January City of Culture 2025 - Some background advertisements Brian Holmes
7th February Behind the Counter Tony Hillam
7th March Bedpans and False Teeth Denise Adlard
4th April Born in Yorkshire Janet Senior
2nd May Stained Glass Derek Barker
6th June Yorkshire Folk on Holiday in the early 20th century Christine Leveridge
4th July Made in Yorkshire Stuart Hartley
August no meeting  
5th September Any More Fares please? Geoff & Mary Twentyman
3rd October Medieval Leeds Professor Joyce Hill
7th November It will be nice when it's done John Lyte
5th December Fortified by 45's Geoff Twentyman


Secretary, Vacant


Chairman, Mr Geoff Twentyman
email: chair.lmlhg@gmail.com