North Bierley Township Valuation Book 1839:: |
This is a substantial document with nearly 3,000 entries. Here the data is presented in smaller sections. The original can be found at the Bradford office of the West Yorkshire Archives: ref 15D74/13/2.
A comment at the end of the book stastes “The foregoing is a correct valuation of all the rateable property in the Township of North Bierley in the County of York: made for the Poor Law Rate and other purposes this 12th day of March 1839” Unfortunately the map which once accompanied the valuation has been lost. The transcript is in the order used in the book and page numbers are quoted if you wish to consult the original. The entries are listed alphabetically* by surname of the owner, and within each owner alphabetically by tenant, and then sub-tenant (where they exist). *Entries for each LETTER of the alphabet are grouped together in roughly alphabetical order. Within a surname no sorting in alphabetical order by first name or initials has been made. The column headed “No on the House Door” appears as “No. Door” in the transcript. The number is unique within the book and does not represent a house number in a street. The numbers can be helpful in locating nearby houses, but adjacent numbers may be separated by a considerable distance. Some of these numbers have also been used in the 1841 and 1851 census, either as references in the description of the Enumeration District or within the address column to identify a dwelling. ( Not all the numbers used in the census refer to this valuation, so there must have been another similar document which enumerators had access to.) Locations which have a “P” next to them, did not appear in the original but are presumed from the entries above them, as ditto was not used. The column headed “Description of Property” appears as “Property”. This may be a building, a field name, a wood etc. The column headed “Number on the Plan” appears as “No. Plan”. Unfortunately this plan has not survived. The next three columns give the size of the property A = Acres, R = Roods, P = Perches. There are several columns in the original book which are not reproduced here – they refer to rateable values and amounts paid Note: It is often possible to identify where the properties on this valuation were situated by cross reference to the Tithe Award of 1850. The best indication is to use the field names in conjunction with the location.